A key to organic high
calorie gardening is crop rotation. A key to crop rotation is planting members
from different plant families in rotation. Using different families of plants
is important in controlling insects and disease. Members of the Pea and
Bean family play an important role for building nitrogen in soil. Plants like
tiller radish, buckwheat, cowpeas, marigolds, etc. can be important cover
crops. Below is some information on plant families
and possible crop rotations.
Table 1 was taken form Nematode Control in the HomeVegetable
Here are the families that you would use. This is why I try to pick high calorie gardening plants from different families.
Nightshade Family
Nightshade includes tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and
potatoes. All of these will heavily
deplete your soil of nutrients so you'll need to fertilize before planting
another crop. Perils of replanting in
the same space: Increased problems with
blight and pests like tomato hornworm. However, hornworm is edible!
Legume Family
Peas and beans are legumes.
Legumes are really beneficial plants in that their roots inject nitrogen
into the soil. These would be a great
choice to follow a Nightshade planting in your crop rotation schedule.
Squash and Melon Family
It's pretty easy to guess what goes here: summer and winter squash, cucumbers,
pumpkins, and melons. These are also heavy feeders and will deplete your soil
nutrients over time. The big pest here
that will cause problems if you don't rotate is the squash vine borer and the
squash bug, which will overwinter in the soil. I had this attack my pumpkin
vines last year and, let me tell you, they are a PAIN! However, squash bug and
stink bug are edible!
Brassicas and Salad Greens Family
Leafy greens such as arugula, broccoli, cauliflower,
rutabagas, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and kale (NOT lettuce!) are in
this family. Because they put on such a
large amount of green growth, they are highly dependent on lots of nitrogen
during the growing season. These are important crops for fermenting, think
Kimchi and Sauerkraut.
Sunflower Family
Sunflowers are in this family, of course, but it also includes
Jerusalem artichokes, lettuce and endive.
All of these tread very lightly on soil and are light feeds, so they are
good choices to either precede or follow a member of the Brassicas family.
Carrot Family
Along with carrots, this family includes celery, parsley,
and parsnips. They like lots of organic
matter but not lots of nitrogen as it can cause you to get some really funky
looking roots. So you don't want to
plant this anywhere you planted a legume the following season.
Goosefoot Family
Members include beets, spinach and Swiss chard. This family is great because it will grow
even in soil with low fertility, so they are a great follow-up crop for members
of the Nightshade family.
Grass Family
Corn is the number one member here, but this family also
includes oats, wheat and rye. It's a
great follow-up for the spot where you previously grew beans or peas, as it needs
really good, fertile soil. Plants like long season corn are heavy feeders.
Onion Family
And last but not least is the Onion family which includes
onions, garlic, leeks and scallions.
Great at repelling pests but they require high fertility.
Cover Crop Information
Tillage Radish
No-tillers can use liquid manure and cover crops to improve
their soil structure and yields - See more at:
Crop Rotation on Organic Farms: A Planning Manual, NRAES 177
Crop Rotation on Organic Farms
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