Thursday, September 18, 2014

Number one on my high calorie must grow foods is Garlic.

Number one on my high calorie must grow foods is Garlic.

You heard me right I said Garlic. One cup of garlic has 202 calories. Of course we generally only use a few cloves at a time. But if you are using roasted garlic you may use a whole bulb. So garlic brings a lot to the table calorie wise for every once you eat. It also stores well depending on the variety of garlic you grow. Having several pounds of garlic around goes a long way to making your stored food more enjoyable.

If growing garlic to use it for its Allicin always remember that Allicin is produced from crushing fresh garlic bulbs. When fresh garlic is chopped or crushed, the enzyme Alliinase converts Alliin into Allicin, which is responsible for the aroma of fresh garlic. The Allicin generated is very unstable and quickly changes into a series of other sulfur containing compounds such as Diallyl disulfide. So live whole bulbs of garlic are the key to using garlic for medicinal uses or for use in the garden. Remember to crush it shortly before you intend to use it.

Fall will be here soon and with it planting of Garlic for next year. This is a must have for any Midwest garden. I live in the Cincinnati area and about the second week of October is the time I tend to plant my garlic. I plant shallots at the same time. I have to put a fence around my garlic and shallot plot because my poultry will devour my shallots. So each year as I rotate my garlic patch on a four year rotation, I have to move my temporary fence. But it is a small burden for such a useful herb. Also, garlic ranks as one of my top herbs for trade and barter.

Below are links with some general growing information about garlic.

Growing Garlic in the Home Garden, Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet

Growing Garlic, Community Horticulture Fact Sheet #29, Washington State University

Garlic for the Home Garden, Oregon State University

Garlic, An Herb Society of America Guide


Growing Gourmet Garlic, Part 2: Choosing Which Bulbs to Plant, Mother Earth News

Gourmet Garlic Trimming and Cleaning, Mother Earth News

Here is a nice link with information on storing garlic.

Safe Methods to Store, Preserve, and Enjoy Garlic, University of California, Davis

Nukazuke: Japanese Rice Bran Pickles, great way to pickle garlic

Sources of Garlic bulbs for planting.

Beware of trading garlic that may harbor nematodes or fungus. You do not want to bring problems into your garden if you can help it.
It is always safest to grow new sources of garlic in containers so you can destroy plants and soil if nematodes or disease is detected.

Bobba-Mike's Garlic Farm (Orrville, Ohio)

Cornerstone Garlic Farm (Reidsville, N.C.): 336-349-5106

Filaree Farm (Okanogan, Wash.)

Girardin Gourmet Gardens (Randolph, Minn.): 507-263-5897
No website but do have email   (

Gourmet Garlic Gardens (Bangs, Texas)

Seed Savers Exchange (Decorah, Iowa)

The Garlic Store (Fort Collins, Colo.)

Diseases and insects that attack Garlic.

Yes even garlic has it issues. But with proper management you can keep these to a minimum.

Diseases of Garlic, Cornell University

Fusarium rot of garlic bulbs, Oregon State University

Bloat Nematode in Maine Garlic

Here are some non-culinary uses of garlic.

How To Get The Bugs Out, Dr. Janet Starr Hull

Allicin Medical Uses, aliments that Allicin may be used to treat

Garlic Spray for plants uses Neem oil

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